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How you can donate and help our church

Giving is a gesture from the heart and not an obligation. In giving, the motivation is important, not only for us, but also for God. The apostle Paul under the guidance of God Spirit wrote “Each man must decide for himself how much he will give. Don't force anyone to give anything, because then he will do it reluctantly. God loves that you give with a joyful heart, for more blessed is the giver than the taker. The tithes and donations you make to El Bethel Ministries make a difference to our community and the underprivileged in Rotterdam. There are several ways to donate. A collection is circulated during the meetings and it is also possible to make a donation electronically. To EL Bethel Ministries foundation NL98INGB0007388686 "Honor the Lord with all your wealth, with the best of the harvest"

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